Friday, May 10, 2013


We are THISCLOSE to moving forward with the OmniPod - I'm not sure who is more or Savanna.  I'm waiting to hear about from the Pod company about what our insurance company will cover and what our out of pocket expense will be.   Unfortunately, when it comes to the final decision, it has to be something that is taken into consideration to make sure, in the long run, it's a good decision for the family.  We would hate to start on the Pod now and for some reason find out that the costs are more than we can afford in the long run and end up going back to syringes.  So, as much as I hate the "waiting game", I'm trying to be patient so we can get all the accurate information from the insurance company before we proceed.  Once we get the insurance information, we are actually ready to order the Pod - after it arrives, we could be fully functioning in less than a month...very exciting!

Chris & I learned so much at the Pump Class at CHOP this past week.  We were so impressed with how thorough the entire process is - they displayed and went through the features of 4 different pumps (3 tubed pumps, plus the Pod).  The educator, Erin, was very patient with all the questions everyone had (included some of the 10+ year old kids who were there) and made sure everyone understood all the features, advantages, and disadvantages of each pump.  What a great class - the thought of having to research different pumps to find that one that would work best for us was a little daunting.  We knew going in that we wanted the Pod, but to have other options presented to us, helped us see that we definitely wanted the Pod, but also what else was available in case we decided the Pod wasn't for us...

So for now, I'm sitting on my hands resisting the urge to call the nice lady from the Pod company for the 3rd time this week - but, there are still 2 1/2 more business hours in the day, so you never know - ha! 

Thanks to all who have asked how things are going - it's a process, but a good one!

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