Friday, November 7, 2014

More Than Diabetes

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month.  And, while I think it's important to spread awareness about the what the disease is (and for those around Savanna to know how to take care of her if the need arises), I think it's equally important to remember that Savanna is MORE than Diabetes!  We have been so lucky, over the last 3 years, to have family & friends who really understand what T1D is, how to take care of Savanna, are willing to take care of her, and do not exclude her from events, parties, and activities.  They have remembered who she really is, what she loves, and what is important to her.  I know not all children and families get that, but we are forever grateful to all who remember that she is so much more than the disease she was diagnosed with:

Until there is a cure...xoxo

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Bad Day is Allowed...

I feel fortunate that our journey (as I like to think of this ride we’re on) has been pretty easy so far.  I’ve read posts about children who refuse daily to check their blood sugars, sneak food to avoid insulin shots, and have ended up in the hospital because of this  And I am thankful every day that Savanna understands the importance of managing her diabetes…

That’s not to say we don’t have our bad days – we certainly do…and I think because of how great she is most days, I forget that she should be **allowed** to have those days – we all have them, just in different ways.  

We had one of those **bad** days earlier this week – I’ll spare the details, because those are not important.  But, I was frustrated – and angry – and defeated because of the horrible backlash this disease has caused our family.  And then it hit me – if this is how I felt, I can only imagine how SAVANNA felt.  I think I forget – because she IS so wonderful with all she needs to do – just how young she really is and how much is put on her shoulders on a daily basis.  C & I do our best to help alleviate the burden, but the truth of the matter is, the burden is on HER – we can’t take it away or make it stop.  We can HELP, but at the end of the day, those finger pricks, pod changes, lows, highs, and everything that comes with having Diabetes happens to her.  And so, if after countless days of great behavior, if she chooses to have 1 bad day – I’d say we’re pretty lucky.  We have a smart, caring, beautiful child who takes responsibility for her health and her diabetes management as best as she can.  And that to me outweighs all the **bad** days out there!

In honor of National Diabetes Awareness month (November), I created this picture that reminds me just how strong, brave, and wonderful (as if I needed a reminder) Savanna really is!  She truly is my hero in all that she does every day – and most days she does it with a smile on her face, with acceptance to stay healthy, and with determination that she won’t let having diabetes keep her down!

Until there is a cure…xoxo