Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Welcome!  I want to start by saying that I am not doing this because I want people to feel sorry for us - I found an awesome Type 1 Diabetes blog earlier this week (The Princess and The Pump) that was so helpful, educational, and inspiring.  I read Hallie's ongoing story about her daughter, Sweatpea, and it made me realize that there are so many people out there affected with this disease that Savanna, Chris, and I deal with on a daily basis.  I also think it's important for family and friends to KNOW what we are dealing with - especially as Savanna gets older and wants to have play dates, sleepovers, go to parties, etc.  Yes, they know that Savanna has T1D, but aside from close family and friends, they don't KNOW.  I see an opportunity to educate and inform and hopefully that's what I can do!  That being said - don't get me wrong - I do not pretend to be an expert in all things relating to T1D...this is a learning experience for me, and I hope that, in trying to help others have a better understanding of T1D, I'll become more informed and educated as well.  So...there you have it - WHY I decided to start this blog...

Now how about we meet the characters in our story?  (and yes, most of the time, they are characters!)

We wouldn't be on this journey if not for Savanna - currently 6 (going on 16) years old, she is the love and light of our lives.  She's a fun, happy, sassy, silly, funny, and smart 1st grader...and she was diagnosed with T1D in November 2011.  You can read more about her diagnosis here.  The last year has been tough for her, yet through it all she continues to inspire and amaze me.  She is brave and strong - much more than any other 6-year old I know.  Yes, we have our days of "Why me?", and "When will it go away?", but what 6-year old (heck, what 32-year old) wouldn't feel that way if they  have to have their finger pricked 6 times a day, and get shots in their legs and arms just as many times a day?!  She has learned to live with Diabetes - not just to deal with it, but she doesn't let it keep her from the things she loves.  She LOVES horses - she had the opportunity to take some lessons last year and has been asking to go back ever since.  Hopefully once the weather warms up, she can get back in the saddle.  And, then there's tae-kwon-do - we signed her up right after she was diagnosed and we think it's helped so much.  The one big benefit we've seen is that she is more confident in herself.  She's not afraid to check her blood sugar when we're out in public, she shares that she has I1D with people she doesn't know - she doesn't hide who she is and that confidence came from tae-kwon-do.  Savanna is many things, but above all, she is my HERO - I look at her and I see a strong, brave, independent little girl who is going to take on the world head on!  I couldn't be more proud!

Next up is Daddy (or C, here).  If there ever is a Daddy's Girl, Savanna is it.  He likes to tell the story about the day she was born - she was in the nursery, screaming her head off, when he walked over, and put his hand on her chest.  She stopped crying immediately - it was as if she knew "this is my Daddy".  From that moment on (well, probably before) she had his heart.  He has taught her how to be strong, independent, and to fight for what she believes in.  C is hands-on with Savanna's T1D management as I am - we know how important working together is and when it comes to her management, we are on the same page.  He loves anything outdoors - camping, fishing, hiking - and is excited she is old enough to experience these activities with him.

Finally, there's me...Mommy.  Savanna's my little buddy - we spend most of the time when she's home from school together, just the 2 of us (C works nights).  One of my favorite things to do is snuggle up with her on the couch to watch a movie or the Food Network.  We like to find recipes that look tasty and make them during the week or weekend.  I'm in school to be a high school Math teacher and I play Roller Derby - yes, you read that right - Roller Derby :)  <<Insert shameless plug for the ROCKSTARS here>>.  I love having so much time with Savanna - the first 6 years of her life have gone by so fast and I feel lucky to have the opportunity to be with her as she grows.

There are many more characters in our story, but these are the 3 you will hear about the most - we'll introduce the others along the way!  I hope you sit back, enjoy what I have to say, learn something new about T1D and come back again!  Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to following your blog! I have a student with Type 1 Diabetes and I am learning a lot from him.
