Friday, October 19, 2012


I had a whole post typed up about medical benefits and how we are generally a pretty healthy family...and then this week hit.  My muchkin is sick :(.  It started last Friday while we were camping, but we thought it was lunch at school that didn't agree with her.  Her stomach just wasn't write and C & her took several trips to the bathroom throughout the night - poor thing...and poor C - he lovingly woke up throughout the night to take her so I didn't have to walk in the dark with her.  She felt better Saturday, and even better on Sunday - we thought we were in the clear.  And then, Sunday night she started to feel worse - her stomach hurt and her throat was starting to get sore.  I let her stay home from school on Monday, and took her to the doctor's on Tuesday (we were told everything was fine).  She went back to school on Wednesday, but I can't say I was too surprised to get the phone call at the end of the day saying I needed  to pick her up - her throat was REALLY sore and she had a fever.  Needless to say, she stayed home the next day and we made another trip to the doctor's.  Unfortunately, this time, they said she had the virus that has been going around...which meant another day home from school today.  As the doctor was writing her a note for being out of school, I asked if he could write one for me so I could be "out" for a week - haha!  A week of sickness takes it toll on everyone!

Here's a picture of Savanna, cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie to help her feel better:

Through it all, she's been a pretty good trooper - especially with checking blood sugars (for the most part - we had our "moments" today...).  Being sick can have serious side effects in regards to the treatment of her Diabetes.  With flu/virus symptoms, the insulin doesn't always get absorbed into the body - especially if she's throwing up or other uncomfortable side effects (if you know what I mean).  As a result, her blood sugar numbers become high - causing her to have ketones, which in turn is very dangerous.  So, in addition to dealing with the uncomfortableness of being sick, we have to stay on top of the Diabetes.  

It's been a trying week, but I guess we're lucky this is the first time in a year we've had to deal with her being sick.  Thankfully, we are at the end of the virus and hopefully next week, all will be back to normal!

I didn't get to post this week as much as I wanted (you know, with the exhaustion from this week), but I have a few good topics in mind I want to share about, so hopefully next week!


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